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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

You're A Real Texan If:

(A Good Cold One For A Hot Day And Good Texas Music)

1.  On a very hot day, you get into the shower, turn on the cold faucet full blast, and as water is streaming all over your body, you yell: "Barton Springs, Barton Springs."

2. You know the music of Leon Payne, and fully appreciate it.

Words and photograph (c) Paul Heidelberg

( This photo of a great German Schwarzbier, Black beer, was taken in the Auersbach Keller in Leipzig, in the old East Germany. It is similar to Kostritzer Schwarzbier, also from the former East Germany, and available in the USA. The beer pictured here and the Auersbach Keller have more than a little history -- the beer brand, and the keller, both date from the 1500s.)